Today I went to the Doctor...he specializes in allergy and wellness. I have been struggling with acne for several years now along with back pain, headaches...the list goes on. He started me on a few different supplements, but the most eye opening this is the yeast-free diet! He gave me the book Back to Health A Comprehensive Medical and Nutritional Yeast Control Program.
(here is something from the book)
Anxious, depressed, and can't remember things? Do you suffer with heartburn, indigestion, gas, and pain or diarrhea? Do you crave sugar, chocolate or alcohol? Is weight control a constant battle for you? Are you tired, weak, sore all over, and do you have trouble just making it through the day? Do you have: emotional problems, poor memory, hypoglycemia, hyperactivity, food cravings, acid indigestion, mistrust, tired muscles, psoriasis, heart burn, asthma, confusion, bloating, depression, headaches, menstrual problems, sore throat, trouble concentration, rash, panic, hives, nausea, gas, acne, food sensitivities, ineffective work habits, lethargey, indigestion, migraines, irritability, thrush, cough, anxiety, eczema, low self esteem, sleep disturbance, easily angered, skin infections, sinus pressure, pms, chemical sensitivities, loss of interest, diarrhea, fatigue, gastritis, cystitis, muscle stiffness, vaginal yeast infections, fussy thinking muscle cramps, irrational fears, constipation, intestinal pain, weight gain?
If you suffer from these, this book is for you! While yeast occurs naturally in the body, it is generally harmless at controlled levels. When out of control, however, it becomes the body's enemy. Producing toxins that can affect organs and cells in all parts of the body, it can manifest itself in dozens of symptoms that can be difficult to diagnose. Getting back under control can correct many conditions that were once considered chronic, such as hypoglycemia, depression, insomnia, anxiety, and arthritis.
The book is written by Dennis W. Remington, M.D. and Barbara Higa Swasey, R.D.
So as I travel down the road of Yeast-Free eating, I will keep you up-to-date on the progress. I will try to include recipes and food ideas for others that wish to follow such diet!
Toni, are you also giving up anything else? Or is it just restricted to yeast free? I have a tortilla recipe that I make for AJ and the girls. It's whole wheat and would at least give you an alternative to bread. You could use it for wraps and such. Let me know if you want it!