FRUIT | Fresh Fruit Dried Fruit Canned Fruit Fruit Juice | - The high sugar content in fruit feeds Candida
- Fruits like melon may also contain mould
| - A squeeze of lemon is OK
- In Step 2 you can reintroduce low sugar fruits like apples and berries
AGED CHEESE | Cheeses aged for 6 months or more | - Holistic practitioners recommend that Candida sufferers dramatically reduce their dairy intake
- Candida prevents the body from processing fat properly
| - Only aged cheeses need to be eliminated completely
- A small amount of Swiss or Mozzarella cheese every once in a while should not hurt
ADDITIVES & PRESERVATIVES | Citric Acid Anything on the list of ingredients that you don't know or can't pronounce! | - Citric acid is derived from yeasts
- Chemicals can disrupt your friendly bacteria and allow the Candida yeast to flourish
| - Citric acid is often found in tomatoes
- Non-organic food like meat or eggs can also contain residual levels of antibiotics and steroids that were used during the farming process
ALCOHOL | Wine Beer Spirits | - Alcohol is high in sugar that can feed the growth of the Candida yeast
- Alcohol also puts stress on your organs and immune system
| - Mixing alcohol and Candida is like opening all your windows in a house fire - you don't want to feed the problem
- Alcohol can be reintroduced in Stage 3, when the diet starts to work, but in small amounts
CAFFEINE / STIMULANTS | Coffee Tea Energy drinks | - Caffeine, sugar and sweetener all kickstart Candida
- Taurine in energy drinks is another culprit
| - Even decaf tea and coffee are to be avoided, as they contain residual levels of caffeine
CHOCOLATE | Chocolate Chocolate drinks | - Candida loves the sugar in chocolate
| - Candida sufferers often get sweet cravings. Put your Candida on a starvation diet - don't eat chocolate.
GLUTINOUS FOODS | Anything made with wheat, rye, oats or barley, e.g. white bread, rye bread, pasta | - Some Candida sufferers have high sensitivity to Glutens
| - Give your immune system a break and allow it to focus on the Candida
SPICES / CURRIES | Curries Spicy foods | - Curries can kill the friendly bacteria in your gut and allow the Candida yeast to flourish
NUTS | Nuts that are high in mould, e.g. peanuts | - Ingesting mould can promote a Candida outbreak
- Nuts that were cracked a long time ago, for example sliced almonds, also have time to develop mould
| - If you like nuts, stick to freshly cracked or whole ones
MUSHROOMS / MOULDS | Mushrooms Truffles | - Candida loves to feed on mould and fungi
- Leftover food can contain mould that will feed your Candida
| - If you can't buy fresh, keep leftovers frozen and then cook on a high heat in the oven (not the microwave)
CONDIMENTS | Ketchup Mayonnaise Mustard Relish Horseradish Soy sauce Salad dressings | - Condiments tend to be high in sugar and can exacerbate your Candida
| - For an alternative salad dressing, try Paul Bragg's Liquid Aminos, or a simple olive oil and lemon juice dressing
SUGARS | Sugars Honey Syrup Lactose Sucrose Fructose | - Condiments tend to be high in sugar and can exacerbate your Candida
- Stay away from the soft drinks too
| - Sweeteners can also make your Candida worse
- Sugar-free diet coke can feed your Candida as much as a sugary soft drink
VINEGAR | All vinegars, except for Apple Cider Vinegar | - Vinegar is made in a yeast culture, depletes the stomach of acids and can also cause inflammation in your gut
| - One particular vinegar, unfiltered apple cider vinegar, can actually be helpful in combating yeast
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